Time. Is how you use it important?


I hope all is well with everyone reading. Today where I am, we find ourselves in yet another snow storm. I’m over this weather but anyway, let’s get to the topic on hand. 21! You may ask, what is 21?

21 years ago on this day, at 9:23am my dad was pronounced dead. As I mentioned before in my post titled “LOST” it changed my life. I won’t get into the ways it did but what I wanted to touch on was time.

Time can change things from good to bad, bad to good, pretty to ugly or ugly to pretty. How we choose that time is what matters. Sometimes we may hear, well I didn’t get the chance or time to do or say this or that. In reality for some and for the most part,we did get the time,  the difference I feel is that we didn’t take the time.

For a while, I found myself saying I didn’t get the chance to say some things to my dad. Now that I look back, I had I just didn’t use the time wisely. Some of us have the tendency to procrastinate, perhaps saying, I have later or tomorrow. But do we? I mean I hope we all live a life full of later’s and tomorrow’s. The point is that time can change. It changed for my dad and it changed for me.

So my friends, as you read this, take the time to really look at how you are using your time. Are you using it to make lasting memories or are you using it perhaps being worried about doing or becoming, only to maybe find yourself one day saying, “I wish I had taken the time”. (Again please know that I am by no means telling anyone how or what to do with your time because at the end of the day it is that, your time.)

In time I do hope to get into fashion as well as some other topics but for now I hope you enjoyed. If you liked what you read, Please feel free to leave a comment or hit the follow or like buttons.

Thank you!


Mimi World


When you come to a split, what will you decide?

Hello again!

Sometimes in life we may find ourselves in a situation that leaves us torn. Torn inside having a difficult time trying to decide.

We may feel that we need to do what’s right even though that may not bring complete happiness. Or perhaps it’s the thought of the unknown that scares us. Maybe we may know what we want but the thought of perhaps hurting someone in the process stops us from moving forward.

There are some that just deciding comes easy for them. They know. They choose. They move forward without being stuck. Than there are some that the thought process of deciding almost overwhelms them that they feel they can’t even get their thoughts together. They think and think and continue to think. They come up with some sort of decision but what happens, they think again. They become stuck, almost frozen, afraid to move forward.

In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed. In it the words “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” were written. In 2006, the movie Pursuit of Happiness came out. Dictionary.Com gives this definition for pursuit: an effort to secure or attain; quest: the pursuit of happiness, any occupation; pastime, or the like, in which a person is engaged regularly or customarily.

The question therein lies, if we get past being torn and decide, will we always still find ourselves in the pursuit of happiness?

What will we decide


Death, does time heal the pain?

I wanted to write about something that has somewhat shaped who I am today.

I lost my dad twenty years ago soon to be twenty-one. As with a lot of situations in life, some say time heals all wounds. But does it?

When my dad passed I lost a part of me. He never saw me graduate. He never saw me get my first job. He never saw other things that took place in my life. How can time heal that? How can time replace the fact that you will no longer see, feel or hear that person? One thing for sure is that time changes things but it may not heal things. I am not the same person. I had to in someway become someone else.

I have friends, family that have at one point lost someone dear to them. Some have been left alone by their loss. It changes you. Some may cry. Some may hold it in. Some may deal with it by doing something to mask the pain. Either way we are changed.

Some will say life goes on and yes that is true it does but it goes on while you learn to adjust becoming someone else. Yes , some of you stays the same but some of you doesn’t.

Different people have different beliefs and that is fine. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want. This is not being written to push any thoughts or beliefs on anyone but it is being written to let anyone that may read this know that it is ok if time didn’t heal your pain. That it is ok to cry, yell whatever just don’t mask the pain. Let it out. Talk it out. Write it out if need be but whatever you may choose just don’t hold it in.